Maryland Senate debates energy bills amid rising costs and power project

Sen. West proposes a task force to develop Maryland's energy plan, delaying power line projects amid rising energy costs.
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Maryland’s legislative body is actively seeking solutions to surging energy costs and controversial infrastructure projects. This focus was evident as the Senate’s energy committee tackled several bills aimed at addressing the state’s energy challenges.

Sen. Chris West, representing Baltimore and Carroll Counties, proposed a bill to create a state task force charged with formulating a comprehensive energy strategy. His initiative aims to diminish Maryland’s reliance on imported electricity by developing a forecast of regional energy demands.

“[I]nstead of producing 40% of our electricity that we produce today, by 2035, we will only be producing 15% of our electricity that we need, and we will be importing 85% of our electricity,” Sen. West said.

The proposed legislation also seeks to halt the approval of new transmission projects by the Maryland Public Service Commission (PSC), including the Maryland Piedmont Reliability Project (MPRP), until the task force completes its work.

Sen. West highlighted the state’s increasing energy consumption, driven in part by the Climate Solutions Now Act of 2022, and the lack of discussion about data centers’ impact on energy needs during the Act’s legislative process.

The MPRP has stirred controversy, with critics alleging it mainly serves Virginia’s data center industry. The project involves a 70-mile power line potentially affecting Baltimore, Carroll, and Frederick Counties. Its developer, PSEG, has suggested using eminent domain to link Pennsylvania’s energy facilities with a Maryland substation.

Ben Baker, a senior advisor to the PSC, expressed support for West’s bill, proposing a modification to remove the restriction on new transmission approvals.

“[A]nything that helps us better understand our energy future and needs, we have been primarily supportive of and trying to make sure that we can deliver that as we continue to work together on policies to serve the energy in this state,” Barker said.

Sen. Ron Watson, from Prince George’s County, also presented a bill during the session, focusing on enhancing the geographic diversity of the PSC. His proposal involves expanding the commission and implementing a residency requirement for commissioners to ensure statewide representation.

Under Watson’s bill, the PSC would increase from five to seven members, with a mandate to appoint representatives from Western or Southern Maryland by 2025.

The PSC, responsible for regulating various utilities in Maryland, also plays a role in approving new power stations and high-voltage line projects. The Decarbonization Infrastructure Solutions Act, discussed at the same hearing, proposes speeding up nuclear plant construction to meet energy demands.

Maryland currently imports nearly 40% of its energy, as reported by PJM, the region’s grid operator, due to an emphasis on green energy initiatives.

“The purpose of this bill is to supercharge the state’s transition to clean energy by integrating nuclear energy into Maryland’s ‘Tier 1’ renewable source for the renewable portfolio standards,” Sen. Benjamin Brooks stated.

Other legislative efforts include redefining energy terminology from “green” to “clean” or “renewable,” with Sen. Justin Ready advocating for new data centers to be positioned near existing power infrastructure.

Joanne Frederick, leading the opposition to the MPRP, supported this initiative, highlighting the need for data centers to provide their own energy sources.

“These data centers coming will be a huge drain on our grid so we need some common-sense ways that they can provide their own energy production,” Sen. Ready said.

Frederick added, “What this bill does is open the aperture to something better, something new. It allows Maryland to be in the driver’s seat. If we want data centers, they need to bring their own power.”

Bipartisan support was evident for most of the energy bills discussed.

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Spotlight on Maryland is a joint venture by FOX45 News and The Baltimore Sun.

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