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Bill Gates and Jeff Bezos Support White Hydrogen Startup –

Bill Gates and Jeff Bezos back a startup targeting white hydrogen, sparking interest in a potential new energy boom.
US and India strengthen clean energy collaboration at SCEP Ministerial - Economic Diplomacy Division

Bill Gates and Jeff Bezos Invest in White Hydrogen Startup

Bill Gates and Jeff Bezos are backing a new startup focused on white hydrogen, a potential game-changer in the clean energy sector, according to

Recent discoveries in America suggest the presence of rocks with vast amounts of “infinite, white energy,” which could supply energy for millennia, as reported by ECOticias.

A startup backed by Bill Gates is gaining traction in the global market for buried hydrogen, according to CNBC.

Koloma, a startup supported by Bill Gates and Jeff Bezos, aims to capitalize on the potential of white hydrogen, often referred to as “white gold,” according to MSN.

Bill Gates predicts a new gold rush in the United States, driven by the potential of underground energy resources. This could be one of the largest energy booms in history, as highlighted by ECOticias.

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